
Startec Compression + Process



Startec Compression + Process


With a complete relocation of their corporate headquarters and manufacturing facilities in 2018, Startec was able to amalgamate their entire operation to one central location and create a facility that supported their forward-moving vision.


BLOCK Interior Design Inc. was engaged as a part of the design build team to design the interiors of the office building and the office + lunchroom facility within the shop building. Creating a facility that broke down previous barriers between divisions was of upmost importance. Allowing each division their own neighbourhood that provided for their specific needs but creating highly functional and attractive central zones allowed for the success of their new culture. Their new facility has created the perfect environment for these “Everyday Mavericks.”

A strong focus on future growth as their business continues to thrive drove a large portion of their program requirements. We allowed for adaptable use of their shared spaces as well as expansion space for their work areas. Their success since has resulting in them reaching their capacity far faster than they had estimated. We are currently working with them again to further adapt their space for even further growth.
